Light has speed. If we stand 1.5 m away from the mirror, we will be looking at our past for approximately one hundred millionth of a second. Time is relative. If we can change this time to days and hours, every memory will be in the mirror. Even if the time does not change, every moment is in our minds.

There is something more dangerous in our lives than a virus. Violence. Unfortunately, they are infected with this virus in childhood. A boy and his mother who has been abused by his father since childhood will continue to use violence against his wife and children. The girl who lives them will also see violence in the future. Everyone will be attracted to the violence. And they will be spinning in this vortex. Very few people can really see the reality. It is very sad that many women commit suicide or are killed due to violence. No matter how much punishment is given to those who cause it, it does not solve anything in its hands. The solution to the problem was actually deeper. In childhood. It is necessary to grow normal people and educate them. Keep violence away from children. Teach them right and wrong. It is necessary to teach women to respect each day, not only on March 8. İt is important to grow normal men. Not animals that are accepted by society.



